Understanding the health of Koinmerburra Country and creating a long-term restoration plan for the St Lawrence Wetlands
Photo by: Koinmerburra Aboriginal Corporation
Story created in collaboration with Koinjmal Traditional Owners.
Koinmerburra Country covers an estimated 4,100 square kilometres in Central Queensland, stretching from north of Rockhampton to south of Mackay and including part of the Great Barrier Reef. These Traditional Lands of the Koinjmal people feature large areas of mangroves, swamps, saltmarsh, mudflats and other wetlands where freshwater meets salt water. These brackish areas are known as “Mixed Water Country”.
Koinmerburra Aboriginal Corporation (KAC) collaborated on a project with Ecosure, Firesticks Alliance and Kuril and Currawong that is restoring the significant wetlands located near the small community of St Lawrence. The project was also supported by the Isaac Regional Council and the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.
The St Lawrence wetlands are in a severely degraded state, so the group is measuring Country health by undertaking ecological surveys of the water, fauna and flora on Country as well as exploring its culturally important areas. The resulting baseline health report has informed a co-designed, long-term restoration plan for St Lawrence Wetlands that includes ecological restoration and Cultural burns.
Koinjmal Rangers are working regularly in St Lawrence, putting these actions into place and to heal Mixed Water Country through weed removal and planting of over 3,000 native seedlings to restore the site back to its natural state. They have been working closely with an Ethnobotanist to understand what traditional medicine and food plants were in the area to inform which species are planted. They have also been working closely with the St Lawrence community and school groups for tree planting days to reach their mammoth tree planting target, and the team report that they have a much stronger relationship with the local community thanks to the project’s activities. Importantly, Koinmal Traditional Owners have participated in on-Country training, learning practical skills and building confidence to sustain long term Koinjmal management of Country.
For the Koinjmal people, the project is important in ensuring that they continue to move forward by connecting to Country regularly. Through this connection, they are also healing themselves as a people and the Country they belong to.
Find out more about the Koinmerburra Aboriginal Corporation.