Water Connects Us. Healthy Water. Healthy Country.
Story and video created by Our Reef Stories and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.
The Healthy Water Forum 2023, held in Port Douglas from October 10-12, was the second annual forum of its type. The theme for 2023 was – Water Connects Us. Healthy Water. Healthy Country. This special gathering gave Traditional Owner Groups a unique opportunity to come together, connect and share their stories and experiences regarding their Healthy Water grants.
A unique opportunity
The forum was a chance to stop, reflect and measure the impact the Healthy Water grants program is making. This is a world-first co-design initiative – Healthy Water programs are designed by Traditional Owners for Traditional Owners. The programs are funded by the Reef Trust Partnership (RTP), a partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.
The program has funded 22 Traditional Owner Groups, leading 27 Healthy Water projects. The Healthy Water Forum was a unique opportunity to acknowledge these projects and their far-reaching contribution to the preservation of Traditional culture and Country.
“I think it’s a big celebration. We’ve had all these successful projects. It’s really big when the Technical Working Groups and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation can put out grants to 27 projects.”
— Samarla Deshong, Koinmerburra and Kabi Kabi, Healthy Water Technical Working Group
The voices of Traditional Owners
This year, 18 Traditional Owner Groups from across the Great Barrier Reef and its Catchments met in Port Douglas, with each group delivering a presentation outlining how the grant has assisted them in carrying out their Healthy Water project on Country. The Traditional Owners shared their learnings, their challenges and their successes.
“The Healthy Water Forum is an opportunity to showcase the grant recipients and, more importantly, the Traditional Owners and what they’ve done on Country. To share their stories, to share their vision and their aspirations for their Country and to share their understanding of water and its connectiveness to us, Country and everything else around it.”
— Malachi Johnson, Gooreng-Gooreng, Healthy Water Technical Working Group
Sharing, connecting and networking
Led by Healthy Water Technical Working Group members Dr Cass Hunter, Samarla Deshong and Malachi Johnson, the forum featured positive and inspiring activities and discussions to encourage the sharing of experiences and ideas. Both formally and informally, the forum was the perfect environment for Traditional Owners from different groups to connect, share and learn from each other.
“Networking is valuable, especially with all of us Saltwater Groups here. We can offer support to each other and that’s what we need to do.”
— Jacob Cassady, Nywaigi, Mungalla Aboriginal Corporation for Business
Key positives from the forum
- Projects were led by Traditional Owners according to their own values and priorities.
- Many groups connected and shared knowledge.
- There was great engagement from the groups during the forum.
- The groups raised awareness by sharing their different connections to water.
- The grants have had a wide range of impacts from employment opportunities to training and upskilling.
- There was a real understanding of the value of partnerships.
- There were many positive interactions and yarns.
“I love the forum. There’s a whole lot of positive energy, there’s a whole lot of voice and laughs and deep dives. You see the positive come out.”
— Dr. Cass Hunter, Eastern Kuku Yalanji/Maluiligal, Chair of the Healthy Water Technical Working Group
Where to next? Traditional Owners continue leading the way
The forum closed with a focus on keeping the momentum of Traditional Owners leading the way with water quality projects on Country. There was broad agreement that the best way to do this was by using their traditional knowledge, combined with partnerships with Western scientists and resource managers.
Traditional Owner-led forums such as the Healthy Water Forum are valuable in uniting groups across the Reef and its Catchments, amplifying their efforts and their voices. Together, their Healthy Water projects are delivering measurable benefits to their cultures, their communities and the health of Country.